Welcome to ​Eat Clean-ish!

Your Path to Simple Sustainable Weight Loss

Coach Aujile

Coach Aujile


Your Mindset & Weight ​Loss Counselor

Hi, I’m Coach Aujile—a wife, mother, and mindset & weight ​loss counselor dedicated to helping busy women achieve ​long-term weight loss success.

My journey began much like yours, filled with countless ​attempts at diets and programs that offered temporary ​solutions with short-lived results. After years of chasing ​weight loss, I finally found a sustainable approach and lost ​over 100 pounds naturally. The best part? I’ve kept it off for ​over four years.

From struggle to success: Coach Aujile's personal transformation

Why I created Eat Clean-ish...

I know firsthand the struggles of balancing family, work, and self-care. That’s why I created Eat Clean-ish​—to offer a realistic, sustainable approach to weight loss that fits seamlessly into your busy life.

My method goes beyond diet and exercise. It’s about changing your mindset. While most programs ​focus solely on what to eat and how to move, I know that the key to lasting change lies in your thoughts, ​emotions, and beliefs. I’m here to help you explore these areas so you can overcome the barriers ​holding you back from reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.

Therapy patient smiles during therapy session

Empowering women just like you to reach their goals

A Journey You Don’t ​Have to Face Alone

You don’t have to face this journey alone. I’ve walked ​this path, and I’m here to guide you every step of the ​way.

My clients often tell me how much they appreciate ​getting guidance from someone who actually ​understands their challenges... someone who looks ​like them and has been where they are.

I know how important it is to feel understood and ​supported. And that’s what I want for you.

My Expertise and ​Experience

My qualifications extend beyond personal ​experience. I have a Master’s degree in ​Counseling Psychology, and have spent over a ​decade working in the behavioral health field. ​This blend of formal education and real-world ​experience gives me a unique perspective and ​adds to my credibility as a weight loss ​counselor.

I’ve also had the privilege of coaching many ​women to their own weight loss success, ​further solidifying my approach.

Bringing together formal education and real-world experience to ​guide you on your journey

As Seen On...

My work has been recognized by Good Morning America and Women’s Health Magazine, where I shared ​my story of losing 100 pounds through clean-ish eating and a balanced lifestyle. I also host a podcast, ​Clean-ish Conversations, where I dive into the topics that matter most to women on their weight loss ​journeys.

Empowering You for ​Long-Term Success

Finding joy in the journey—together

When you work with me, you won’t just lose ​weight—you’ll gain the tools and confidence ​you need to keep it off for good.

I believe in giving my clients autonomy over ​their journey. Instead of handing you a meal ​plan, I’ll teach you how to create your own. ​Instead of telling you what to do, I’ll help you ​discover what works best for you.

This journey is about so much more than the ​number on the scale. It’s about getting to ​know, love, and trust yourself. It’s about ​improving your relationship with food and ​exercise and finding joy in the process.

Weight loss is a byproduct of doing the internal ​work, and I’m here to help you do just that.

Let’s Transform Your Life Together!

I know you're ready for a change—a real, lasting change that goes beyond quick fixes and ​temporary results. You’ve spent years caring for everyone else, and now it’s time to invest in ​yourself. Imagine what life could look like when you finally reach your weight loss and ​wellness goals—feeling strong, confident, and fully in control of your health.

I’m here to help you get there. With my guidance, we’ll create a personalized plan that fits into ​your busy life, empowers you to overcome obstacles, and makes you feel good in your own ​skin. Together, we’ll unlock the best version of you.

You deserve this, and I’m committed to helping you achieve the results you’ve been longing ​for. Let’s start this journey today—because you’re worth it.